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Metering and Consumption Rules

06 Jun 2023

The NABERS Metering and Consumption Rules is a standalone document that provides Assessors with information relating to Energy and Water metering systems and the treatment of consumption data from these systems.

The latest version of the Metering and Consumption Rules is version 2.4. 

On this page

    What’s new in this version?

    Major changes from v2.3:

    • Clarifications on data alignment in Sections 5.3.7 and 6.3.9 to support co-assess for shopping centre ratings
    • The full list of changes is itemised in Appendix B.

    Major changes from v2.2:

    • Change of methodology for batch-delivered supplies, see section 8.3 of MAC v2.3
    • Clarifications in Section 7.2.3: Meters in Embedded Networks.

    Minor changes between versions 2.1 and 2.2:

    • Some minor changes to v2.1 have been made throughout v2.2. These changes are to accommodate the release of the new NABERS Energy and Water for Schools tool, and to improve clarity only. It is not expected they will impact the rating process. There is no transition period for version 2.2 to come into effect.

    Major changes from version 1.3:

    • A new chapter on generated energy and captured water, which replaces the On-site Renewable Electricity Generation (OREG) Ruling.
    • The rules for the Renewable Energy Indicator (REI).
    • A definition of the difference between Utility Metering systems and Non-utility Metering systems.
    • Treatment of metering consumption data from both types of systems.
    • Validation of non-utility Metering systems.
    • Small end use estimation.
    • Treatment of batch supplied energy and water sources.

    OREG Ruling

    The On-site Renewable Electricity Generation (OREG) Ruling has been incorporated as a new chapter into the Metering and Consumption Rules. The OREG Ruling has now been revoked.