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The key to a timely and accurate NABERS rating is preparation. You’ll need to make sure you have all the necessary data on hand and readily available for your NABERS Accredited Assessor. This will save you time and money and make the process much easier.

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This search engine shows you all-in-one building profile info including star ratings, rating expiry dates, the energy and water use, or indoor quality score, or recycling rates.Download a ...
Our ratings
NABERS Energy, NABERS Water, NABERS Indoor Environment and NABERS Waste.
Spaces we rate
Use NABERS to understand and track the performance of your office building, office space, apartment building, data centre, shopping centre or hotel.
Pricing and offers
NABERS rating fees have two parts, the lodgement and the Assessor's fee. Fees are set, regardless of the sector or size of a building.
What is an Assessor?
NABERS Accredited Assessors are professionals who are trained and accredited to perform NABERS ratings.
After your rating
Share your results, build your sustainability strategy, take action, access funding and rebates, promote your sustainability credentials and go again.
Commitment Agreements
A Commitment Agreement is a contract signed by a developer or owner to commit to design, build and commission a building to achieve a specific NABERS energy rating.
Agreement to Rate
An Agreement to Rate is a contract signed by a developer or owner to commit to obtaining a NABERS rating once their building becomes operational.
NABERS Accelerate
NABERS Accelerate is a program provided to new sectors to speed up the development and adoption of NABERS ratings.