Since it started in NSW in 1999, NABERS has expanded its reach to other countries.
In May 2022, NABERS published a guide to NABERS Energy to introduce the suite of ratings to sustainability professionals and policymakers overseas. The aim is to share key lessons so that others can consider the implications for their own region.
Find out more about our Global guide: Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings.

Launched in New Zealand in 2012, NABERSNZ offers Energy for Offices ratings. The NSW Government licensed NABERS to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), a government agency that works to improve the energy efficiency of New Zealand's homes and businesses and encourage the uptake of renewable energy. NABERSNZ is administered by the New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC), and ratings are carried out by assessors trained in NZ.
For enquiries on the NABERSNZ scheme please contact the NZ administrator.
Launched in November 2020, NABERS UK is administered by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). The scheme is overseen by a steering committee comprising of CIBSE, the Better Buildings Partnership and NABERS, on behalf of the New South Wales Government, Australia. The Better Buildings Partnership has been an integral partner in the development of NABERS UK and acts as scheme ambassador to support its uptake and success.
Other countries
We welcome the opportunity to share our learning with those interested in developing customised ratings tools for use in their region.