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NABERS Embodied Carbon Public Consultation

06 Nov 2023

In early 2023, NABERS ran a public consultation on 10 proposals for developing an Embodied Carbon tool. During the consultation, we received valuable ideas and feedback from industry. We have compiled a consultation response, summarising the considerations that were raised and NABERS’ response, available here.  

We are delighted to report that overall support for the tool and its underlying proposals is strong. This is a significant milestone, given the large and complex challenge of creating a standard for measuring embodied carbon, and the range of stakeholder interests represented. 


We have arrived at this point because of the help many industry experts have provided us with throughout this process. NABERS has now begun development of the embodied carbon tool, and aim to launch it in mid-2024. 


Australia currently has no consistent method of measurement for embodied carbon. Developing a consistent method for measuring, benchmarking and verifying embodied carbon is a critical step towards enabling Australia to achieve its net zero emissions target by 2050. 

Since June 2021, NABERS has worked in partnership with the GBCA, and collaborated with industry and governments across Australia. 

First, we conducted a feasibility investigation, which led to the following conclusions: 

  • There is an urgent need for a national standard to measure, compare and set reduction targets for embodied carbon in buildings. 

  • Industry would like a government organisation to create, maintain and improve the standard over time, and believe NABERS is best placed to do this due to its technical and administrative capabilities.

Then, we carried out 12 months of technical consultation, working with the GBCA, industry and governments to design a national standard that will: 

  • Enable building owners to set robust and measurable targets for reducing embodied carbon. 

  • Have the potential to harness the collective power of the building sector, to significantly increase demand for low-carbon design practices and construction materials. 

In developing the Embodied Emissions consultation paper, NABERS engaged with 207 individuals from 139 organisations across 38 workshops. 

The consultation paper contains 10 proposals for feedback covering five topic areas:

  • Scope of the tool
  • Calculation method
  • Benchmarking
  • Certification Process
  • Future Development




NABERS asked you to consider:


  1. How likely your organisation is to use or promote the use of a NABERS Embodied Emissions tool as outlined by the proposals in this consultation paper?
  2. What worked well in the proposals and should be retained in the final tool?
    NABERS wants to understand what you like, what works and how the recommended approach aligns with the tool’s objectives and market needs. It’s important we know what is working well so we can know which elements should be retained.
  3. Are there any risks to the proposed approach and what would help to overcome them?
    NABERS wants to understand any potential risks to the objectives and market needs. How might NABERS mitigate these risks if we proceed with the proposals in this paper?
  4. What should we consider in finalising this approach?
    Please note why these considerations are important in achieving the objectives and market needs.
  5. General feedback

Contact details

If you have any questions in relation to the consultation process or would like to be kept up to date with relevant communications, please contact:

Katie Eyles (Sector Lead – Accelerating Net Zero Buildings)