NABERS recently engaged consultants to undertake a review of the requirements for undertaking Site Visits, calculating Rated Hours and conducting Computer Counts.
The scope of work specifically targeted Energy & Water ratings for Offices (Whole Building and Tenancies) and Hotels. Through stakeholder engagement and modelling, the consultants have provided NABERS with a number of recommended changes that can be made to the Rules, most of which NABERS is looking to accept. NABERS is now seeking broader stakeholder input into these recommendations for review before they are implemented into the Rules.
How do I provide feedback?
All submissions are to be sent to the NABERS team, who will be collecting responses to this consultation paper. You can submit your response by either:
- Completing the online submission form
- Emailing your written responses to us at
When will consultation end?
Please submit any feedback by Friday 5 August 2022.
Will my submission and my details be made public?
NABERS will not make submissions or any author’s details public.
Will NABERS include all the suggestions contained in my submission in future releases?
NABERS will prioritise submissions that focus on the key issues currently being examined. If your feedback falls outside of the scope of the core enquiry, your suggestions will be added to the NABERS Feedback and Issue Register for review in the future.