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NABERS expands waste platform

News | 01 Jul 2019

From 1 July, 2019 the NABERS waste platform is expanding to include additional waste streams and more building types.

Additional waste streams include catering donated to charities, coffee cups, medical waste, pallets, textiles and mattresses (among others), so you can generate more accurate information about your building’s performance. Buildings that recycle more will be able to use the platform to demonstrate better performance and obtain a higher waste rating.

Food and industrial manufacturing facilities, aged care facilities, universities and TAFEs, pubs, small hotels, warehouses and distribution centres, beverage production facilities, conference venues, correctional facilities, entertainment precincts, government reporting entities, hospitals, managed parklands, museums, pharmaceutical production facilities, registered clubs, schools, stadiums, transport stations, theatres, zoos and aquariums will now be able to track their waste management and resource recovery using the state of the art NABERS online platform.

While these new building types won’t yet receive NABERS waste ratings, they can use the tool to track waste and recycling data and benchmark their performance year-on-year using the robust NABERS waste data methods. It’s also a stepping stone to obtaining a NABERS carbon neutral certification, so buildings who are aspiring to eventually become carbon neutral should take advantage of this opportunity to save time and money later on.

This is an opportunity for building owners and managers to track their waste performance via an independent and trusted source. To sign up, contact us at nabers@environment.nsw.gov.au.

Find out more about NABERS Waste.